quinta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2008

Childhood Love

(Well, this little story was just me on the bus trying to write up things that aren't really my style, such as romance. The only romance story I like is my own romance story. Well, and this story. And a few others. Oh well, screw this introduction.)

… And after so long, there he was again, in front of her. His calm, deep blue eyes still looked the same after so many years, and still had the same soothing effect on her soul as always. He wore a sad smile on his face, another old trait. She, in turn, was trying not to cry. From his look, she knew he could read her feelings, the same way she could read his. God, please, kiss him! She urged herself, but the ring on his left hand settled the matter for them. For the first time, it was she who was chasing him. After so many chances, where she had regrettably said no, she now longed desperately to say yes. But she knew she deserved this outcome, foolish girl that she was. So this was how it would end. The biggest love she had ever had and not a single kiss to remember it, though it would never be forgotten.
“Good bye,” he said. The way he seemed to still suffer so much with such simple words destroyed her from the inside.
“Goodbye.” She replied. No other words necessary, no declarations needed: they both knew it by now. And then he left, never looking back.

3 comentários:

Anônimo disse...


RedClyde disse...

Short and sweet.

Anônimo disse...

Estou com Diogo. Gostei!